Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Welcome to the Aaron M Kober Illustration Blog!

Hello and thank you for visiting my new blog. My name is Aaron Kober, and I am an illustrator. My art is a combination of drawing, photography, installation, sculpture, and digital art. The photo-composite style that I work with was inspired by years and years of watching cinema. I enjoy the narrative qualities found in film, and I try to set up my illustrations as if they were a movie still.

The purpose of this blog will be to introduce the process that I use when creating my illustrations. The first piece I will be working on is the untitled sketch shown to the left. The initial sketch is the most important step in my process. The sketch itself will act as a blue print for the rest of the illustration elements. Most characters and objects in this illustration will be drawn or photographed separately. The first step will be to photograph the model, rocks, and random objects for textures.

Also I will be introducing some other fun projects that I am currently working on. The first being What the F movie? WTF movie? celebrates that moment of channel changing or room entering when one sees a scene of a movie totally out of context, and in that one glorious moment makes a viewer say something along the lines of "WTF is this??" The first movie will be Witness starring Harrison Ford and bad guy Danny Glover. The other project that I will be introducing is Fairly Comic. Fairly Comic will take fairy tales and turn them into vintage comic covers. This project may take place in the more distant future. Thank you again for visiting.