Monday, August 22, 2011

Better Late Than

I have yet to become the blogging master that I aspire to be. As you may have guessed I have finished Knight quite some time ago. 
The final stage of this illustration was to paint digitally on top of the final collage. I  have found that using textures and shadows helps the drawn and painted pieces become more cohesive with the photographed elements. I ran into some trouble with the knights. The final drawing of the knights had both too close in proximity. I realized this dilemma when I was fitting the pieces of the final collage together. I spent a decent amount of time on the knight drawing and the main nurse figure was blocking a good portion of their hands and swords. I decided to fix the problem in photoshop by splitting the knights into two, and then moving them further apart which allowed for more of their details to be seen. On the downside, the sword's edges and directions no longer matched up on both sides. I then had to redraw the knights' swords in photoshop in order to get their relationships to match. Overall I am happy with the final image. I believe I have stayed true to the original idea of the first sketch.

For my next project I am going to create an illustration based on a few lines taken from the T.S. Eliot poem The Wasteland:

You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember
  I remember
Those are pearls that were his eyes.
Are you alive or not? Is there nothing in your head?
that Shakespeherian Rag.
It's so elegant.
So intelligent. 

I intend to create and photograph as many elements as possible for this illustration. The head will be made of red yarn, the fish will be made of clay, and for the first time I am going to try to build a miniature cityscape.

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